Easter Sunday, April 22 ,1984 ...

"The Message of Akita is the Message of Fatima" - Bishop Ito of Niigata (the diocese of Akita) . Four years later Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger , the head of the Scared Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, gave definitive judgment that the events and messages of Akita were worthy of belief , confirming elsewhere that the messages were "essentially the same".

What is most interesting is that the date of Easter Sunday , 4.22.84 was the first time any external qualifier was provided as to the content and novissimi (end times) of the hidden (still to this day) Third Secret of Fatima. So quite an unintended consequence? that the Third Secret in circular fashion is linked to April 22 , Easter Sunday no less - a Day of Resurrection!

*Archbishop Loris Capovilla, the Secretary to Pope John XXIII , who has read the Third Secret of Fatima mysteriously volunteers a piece of information that has gone overlooked concerning the Secret itself, and I quote him - "I have always held that this will not be the last time that the Lord is revealed through the Mother of Jesus or the saints"!

*Now with regards to Sister Lucia the Seer of Fatima, she expressly states that the Third Secret is contained in the Book of the Apocalypse.

*Interestingly, on May 13th, 2000, at the beatification ceremony of Blessed Jacinta and Franciso , what Pope John Paul II explained of the Third Secret does not directly correspond to the vision of the 'Bishop dressed in White'. Yet of the visions in the Book of Revelation , Chapters 4-22 ;-) , he specifically identifies and hones in to Chapter 12, verses 3-4, highlighting the apocalyptic battle between the Dragon and the Woman, and that the Dragon succeeds in dragging down 1/3 of the clergy (symbolised as stars) with his tail from heaven.

It should be recalled though that Pope Paul VI and John Paul II both have indicated that the appearance of Our Lady of Fatima , the Virgin Mary IS the fulfillment of biblical prophecy of Chapter 12, verse 1.

What this astonishingly reveals, indirectly and unspokenly to by JPII, is the continuation of verse 4 - 'then the Dragon stood before the Woman about to give birth, to devour her Child when she gave birth'.

And since you cannot have the smoke of Satan without the fire in which he will burn forever, perhaps we should read verse 2, that the Vatican is tap dancing around like it was a theological eggshell, a secret so great it cannot even be alluded to, let alone disclosed to the masses - 'She was with Child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to gve birth' , and to its' relative companion :

Revelation , Chapter 12, verse 5 - 'She gave birth to a male Child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod. Her Child was caught up to God and his throne' ((Two clues here indicate him to be the 'Victor' , whom mention is made at the end of the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches.))

I will now unveil the Secret of the still hidden Third Text of Fatima, today, December (12) 5 , 2010 :

Rev. 12, 5


4 .22. 97

It is said and done. The Book of Revelation is not only real, it has begun!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

4, 22 in pop culture:

Star Trek : Mr.Spock's  live long and prosper hand sign = 4 digits, 2 sets of 2 digits = 4, 22

Star Wars: George Lucas' favorite character is R2-D2 : R is 18th letter, D is 4th Letter 18 + 4 = 22 + the two 2's in R2-D2 =  letters 22, numbers 4 =  4, 22

1984 :  four digits add up to 22 and four digits = 4, 22

Lord of the Rings :  (see below)
Minor Arcana:
10 x 4 = 40
9 x 4 = 36
8 x 4 = 32
7 x 4 =28
6 x 4 = 24
5 x 4 = 20
4 x 4 = 16
3 x 4 = 12
2 x 4 = 8
1 x 4 = 4

Total = 220   Suits = 4

4, 220

5 Decades of the Rosary:
50 x 4  (4 classes of mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious & Luminous) = 200
5 mysteries x 4 sets = 20

Total = 220,  Kinds of Mysteries = 4

4, 220

Year 6,000 in the Hebrew calendar is beginning of the Sabbath (7th Day = 1,000 years) or the Messianic Age. According to the Jews, the long awaited Messiah must come by this time or any time before, but not after.  Year 6,000 =  Year  2240  on our calendar.  Hebrew is read from right to left so is the Messiah's number :  0422  ?

Hebrew : 22  Letters  , 4 missing vowels

Dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant : 52 in. x 31 in. x 31 in.  =  4.3 ft x 2.5 ft.x 2.5 ft or
4x2x2 ... 4,2,2,

New Testament : 4 Gospels , 22 Epistles and Acts   ... or 4,22 excluding the Book of Revelation!

Book of Revelation : 4 chapters of Letters, 22 chapters of visions = 4,22

Kabbalah : 22 connections between the ten sefirot of the Tree of Life + the Four Worlds (Atziluth, Beriah, Yetzirah, Assiah) :  10 x 22 = 220  + 4 worlds  = 

4, 220

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Qumran Hymn 4

"Yet through the breakers of death she delivers a male child. and through hellish agonies bursts forth from the bearer's womb: a Wonderful Counselor with His Mighty Power"  (Isaiah 9 reads: 'of the Mighty God')

Essene Psalm

"For the children have come to the throes of death, and she labours in her pains who bears the Man, for amid the throes of death, she shall bring forth a Man-Child, and amid the pains of hell, there shall spring from her child bearing crucible, a Marvellous Mighty Counsellor, and the Man shall be delivered from out the throes"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lord of the Ring

Three rings for Elven kings under the sky
Seven for the Dwarf lords in their halls of stone
Nine for Mortal men doomed to die
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the land of Mordor , where the shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all , One Ring to find them
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

9-7 = 2  ,  7-3 = 4 ,   3-1 = 2

Telling a story, unless Tolkein was prescient , the prose encircles like a ring when descending numerals reveal 422 !